Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Months Apart

Hey guys, where the hell did the rest of August go? One moment I was happily posting about Seahouses, the next I was wandering around the halls of OCAD feeling like a kid again, all concerned with finding my classes and getting my textbooks and homework and other academic things.

I suppose spending the last ten days of the month up at my cottage, where time becomes seriously abstract and is mostly defined by the presence or absence of daylight (we're electricity-free up there), helped the last of the summer sneakily slink away. Happily, that escape from the city proved quite productive, as I spent the first half working at least five hours a day on painting and writing for my upcoming show.

Here are some (shoddy photobooth) images of three of the finished pieces:

(Cameos by my studio-mate Erin & my ridiculous face.)

Now that I'm back in civilization, my life is all about finding my balance. The intensity of art school, with its piles of homework, still has me a little unsteady, but I'm simultaneously thrilled to be taking classes that cater directly to my artistic and design obsessions (particularly typography. So delicious). I'm only on my second week, but right this moment, I'm pretty sure I belong here.

Oh, as an important side-note, I now have an official date for my next solo show! It'll be opening on February 3rd, 2012 at Freedom Clothing Collective (the same gallery as last time). I'll obviously be adding many more details as the months creep onwards. Keep an eye out (though not literally. I don't want to be responsible for any personal injuries).

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