Saturday, August 28, 2010

Brobdingnagian Progress

It's always interesting to snap photos of a piece as it progresses through the various stages of completion, and since this fellow's beginnings date back to my sketchbook (a rare occurrence - I more often work from a picture in my head, but this one's a complicated piece to say the least), I thought I'd walk you all through the first few pupal phases (well, since I accidentally forgot to photograph both the ink-outline and initial-washes stage, it kind of jumps into near-butterfly stage more suddenly than it's meant to).

First off, the roughest of rough sketches in my book:

Then I move that layout on over to the watercolour block:

And refine the pencil as much as possible:

And then (after the unphotographed inking/washes) it's time for the colour (!):

From here, it continues to be all tiny brushes and millions of layers of colours and a VERY sore neck, but satisfaction at completing my first ever group scene (hooray!).

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