Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year, New Projects!

Now that 2011 has dropped its bags on my floor and moved in for the long haul (well, the next 300+ days, at least), my mind has also rambled along, onto exciting new projects that (mostly) don't involve circus freaks.

Here's a sneak peek of the main thing on which I'm working right now. It's in its very earliest planning stages, though my thoughts can't help leaping ahead to even more thrilling stages of the work. Sometimes it's an effort to keep myself confined to the sketchbook, making the necessary preparatory sketches.

Here's one of the more finished (a.k.a. watercoloured) sketch-beasts. Let's just say I'm currently finding myself quite obsessed with marine life, anatomy and cross sections:

Onwards, 2011! May you be full of fishes and sea-swells and the odd curiosity too!

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