Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Ever So Soon

Sorry (again) for the extreme dropoff in blog-things - the past few weeks have been a leafy blur of hot glue fumes, paper cutting and workshop jaunts, which, when combined with my day job, made for little free time for keeping this sucker up to date.

I figured it'd be useful to drop in now, three (THREE?!?) days before the show opens to toss down (a) a reminder of the time/date/awesomeness of the opening, and (b) post a few shots of (hopefully) tantalizing trees!

First off, the deets on the show's opening (and tenure at the gallery):

Farther's Fascinating Freaks
New Paintings & Other Curiosities by Jessica Bartram

Please join me for the show’s opening
Friday, November 12, 2010, 8:00 p.m.
Freedom Clothing Collective
939 Bloor St. West, Toronto

Ph: 416.530.9946

Show runs November 12 - December 7

And, as an added bonus, you also get a visual essay (maybe more of a visual haiku, actually) documenting the last few weeks of work via sketchy cell-phone and photo booth photos:

The nearly-finished swan.

The swan's headshot - needs to find itself a better photographer.

First look at the facade of the peep show (pre-colour, post-primer).

Tibetan momos - one of my workshop-time staple foods.

This is my SAFETYFACE (preparing to make use of my friend the circular saw).

Starting the first tree...

...slightly mad at 2 a.m., post finishing the second tree...

...and completely done all three trees!

This is most likely the last proper post until the show opens on Friday - after that, I'll have a bunch of material (including a VIDEO of the peep show! Exciting!!), so make sure to check back sometime next week!

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